
Check out the latest PCA news.

Cate Byrne Cate Byrne

PCA Funds Canaan CSC Taskforce

Congratulations to the Town of Canaan for receiving a 2023 Ecological Restoration Grant. Funding will support the planting of native wildflowers and trees and removal of the invasive water chestnut.

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events Cate Byrne events Cate Byrne

PCA Funds Ecological Restoration at Kite’s Nest

Community members teamed up to support ecological restoration on Kite’s Nest campus. Volunteers learned about compost care, helped with the “lasagna layering” method for soil building, and cleaned up the site. Kite’s Nest was a recipient of PCA’s 2023 Ecological Restoration Grants program.

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Cate Byrne Cate Byrne

PCA Funds Philmont Pollinator Pathway

Congratulations to the Philmont Public Library for receiving a 2023 Ecological Restoration Grant for their “Philmont Pollinator Pathway” project. This grant will provide pollinator habitat along a public-private connectivity corridor and will include public engagement programs.

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Matthew Stinchcomb Matthew Stinchcomb

PCA Funds Gallatin Deer Exclosure

The Gallatin CAC hosted an Earth Day event to install a low-cost, innovatively designed deer exclosure to protect a portion of the woods from continued overbrowsing. Fence construction was supported by a 2023 PCA Ecological Restoration Grant.

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Matthew Stinchcomb Matthew Stinchcomb

PCA Funds Live Staking at Saugerties Lighthouse

With the help of a 2023 Ecological Restoration Grant from PCA, the Saugerties Lighthouse Conservancy is combating shoreline threats by using an innovative combination of techniques for native plant restoration and shoreline stabilization.

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